- QuickStart - The C way to do it Dept: Do you go numb in yer good ol' head while trying to figure out the incredibly complicated, nay, mind-bogglingly bleedin' impossible process of making it all work right? *** DON'T PANIC!!! *** Just read this helpful, easy-to-follow, and, dare I say, out of this world user-friendly step-by-step guide to make it all work properly! * Note to non-HD owners: You should NEVER use the original Workbench-discs, ALWAYS make a back-up copy of them to boot with. 'Ere we go: 1 - Copy the contents of Copy_to_C into the C directory on the Workbench-section of your Hard-Disc, or, if you don't have a HD, to the backup-copy of your Workbench floppy-disc. 2 - Reset your Amiga. 3 - Let the Workbench boot up as normal. 4 - Insert the disc with the Adventure-games you want to play. ( If you have a HD, you can, if you want to, copy the games onto your HD. ) 5 - Voila! Just double-click on the icon of the Infocom-Adventure you want to play. If you want to change the colors of, say, the text, the background, or the border; just go to CLI and type INFOPREFS, and alter them, or other settings, from the small window that should pop up. For further info; seek out ye olde Docs drawer on the 2nd disc.